Ally for Women Faculty Award

Sponsored by the Center for Faculty Development, this is one of the seven CFD Excellence in Mentoring Awards to recognize and honor the mentoring contributions and to further build a "culture of mentoring" here at MGH.

Do you have or know an outstanding mentor?

As part of the "CFD Excellence in Mentoring Awards," the MGH Center for Faculty Development invites nominations for the Ally for Women Faculty Award. This $1,000 award will be given to a faculty member from any MGH department who serves as a strong collaborator, mentor, and sponsor for women. The recipient will have demonstrated support of women faculty by:

  • Listening in a generous and capacious way
  • Engaging in the deliberate inclusion of women
  • Providing career advice, feedback, encouragement, and motivation
  • Affirming, sponsoring, and celebrating women colleagues
  • Being an upstander in calling out bias
  • Advocating to change organizational practices and norms to remove barriers that inhibit women’s careers
  • Providing public support for the advancement and promotion of women colleagues through power opportunities and connections
Description of Award

Research demonstrates that societal biases and institutional patterns prevent women from attaining the same success in their careers as men. To encourage and sustain a culture of stronger sponsorship of women and one in which institutional biases are confronted and changed, the MGH Center for Faculty Development created the Ally for Women Faculty Award to recognize allies who support and empower women colleagues in advancing their career and achieving their professional goals and who actively work to create a more open, equitable environment in which women can thrive, grow, and attain major leadership roles.

  • MGH faculty appointment
  • Harvard Medical School faculty appointment
  • MD, PhD, or equivalent advanced degree
Review Process

Nominees were evaluated and ranked by a multidisciplinary Review Committee. Nominees were notified and announced at the Celebration of Mentoring at MGH event on January 22, 2024. 

Nomination Requirements
  • Completed Nomination Form*
  • At least one and up to 3 nominating letters (most likely one from the nominator). Multiple nominators can compose each letter, but this is not required. Each letter can be up to 2 pages but not longer.
  • Nominee's HMS CV

Overall rules:

  • A nominator can nominate only ONE candidate per award.
  • Nominators from outside MGH are welcome, but at least one nominator has to be from within MGH.

*Nomination Form:

  • In one paragraph (2-4 sentences), summarize why you* have nominated this candidate for this award.
    *One nominator will submit the nomination, including the form and up to 3 nominating letters.
  • List all letter writers for this nomination, e.g.:
    1. Nominator or Supporting Letter Writer(s)
    2. Supporting Letter Writer(s)
    3. Supporting Letter Writer(s)

It is recommended that the letters include specific anecdotes and examples that demonstrate the nominee’s commitment to women’s professional and personal development as well as the nominee’s efforts to remove barriers that women face and provide public support for the advancement and promotion of women colleagues.

How to Nominate

This user-friendly portal allows you to submit electronic nominations to the Center for Faculty Development. The portal has been designed to allow users to:

  • View current calls and submit to open opportunities
  • Save and edit current nominations in progress
  • Submit completed nominations
  • View all your CFD nominations that have been submitted via the online portal

If you have questions, please submit them via e-mail to

Contact us

The Center for Faculty Development offers consultations and seminars to assist in the career development of faculty and trainees.