Salafia DM, Shah RG, Misra DP, Straughen JK, Roberts DJ, Troxler L, Morgan SP, Eucker B, Thorp JM. Chorionic vascular "fit" in the human placenta: Relationship to gestational age and birth weight. Placenta 2017 (under review).
Luo J, Abaci Turk E, Bibbo C, Gagoski G, Roberts DJ, Vangel M, Tempany-Afdhal CM, Estroff J, Palanisamy A, Barth WH, Zera C, Malpica N, Golland P, Adalsteinsson E, Robinson JN, Grant PE. In Vivo quantification of placental insufficiency by BOLD MRI: A human study, Scientific Reports (in press).
Salafia D, Dygulska B, Perez-Avilan G, Schmitt R, Roberts DJ, Ma S, Misra D, Dunn AD, Ngu S, Inany H, Khawar N, Shah G, Narula P, Lederman S. The relationship between birth and placental weights changes with placental size. Early Human Development (in press).
McPherson E, Nestoridi E, Heinke D, Roberts DJ, Fretts, R, Yazdy M, Lin AE. Alternatives to autopsy for fetal and early neonatal (perinatal) deaths: Insights from the Wisconsin stillbirth service program. Birth Defects Research (submitted).
Wilson ML, Sayed S, Ayers S, Berney D, Eslan A, Guarner J, Lester S, Masia R, Moloo Z, Mutuku A, Roberts DJ, Stall J. Improving anatomic pathology in sub-Saharan Africa to support cancer care. AJCP (submitted)
Chen AL, Goldfarb IT, Scourtas AO, Roberts DJ. The histologic evolution of revealed acute abruptions. Human Pathology (under review).
Redline RW, Roberts DJ, Boyd, T. Diagnostic pathology of the placenta, gravid uterus and products of conception, Cambridge University Press. Expected 2018.