Learn more about Executive Health Services at Massachusetts General Hospital. We offer a comprehensive Executive Physical with one of our Harvard-affiliated physicians at one of the nation’s leading hospitals.

Who can receive an Executive Physical at Mass General Hospital?

Anyone can participate. You can schedule an Executive Physical as an individual, and it is also available as a sponsored benefit through certain employers.

Is the Executive Physical a Concierge Medicine service?

Not exactly. Concierge Medicine generally represents an ongoing relationship with a primary care physician. The Executive Physical provides an annual comprehensive physical with a Massachusetts General hospital internist, and may include specialty consultations, as needed. Each patient received a personal summary report.

This consultative examination is a complement to primary care, not a replacement. Mass General does offer a membership-based Concierge Medicine practice. For more information please call 617-643-2132 or visit the Concierge Medicine website.

Who pays for an Executive Physical?

If you are enrolled as an individual, you will be responsible for payment of all charges in advance of your visit. If you are enrolled through your employer, charges for Executive Health Services will be directed to your employer for payment.

Do insurers cover fees for the Executive Physical?

We cannot bill services to your health insurance provider or provide claims forms or any diagnostic and/or procedure codes on your invoice in order for you to seek reimbursement from your insurer. Charges for a colonoscopy can be billed to your insurer if this is a covered benefit. Services outside of the Executive Physical such as recommended follow-up care with specialists may be billed via your insurer.

If the Executive Physical is a benefit through my employer, will my medical information be shared with my employer?

Your medical status and other clinical information are completely confidential. Some employers offer executives access to the program with the understanding that a visit summary will be sent to the company’s medical department. If this requirement applies to you, you will sign a consent form authorizing the release of information to your employer.