Note: Some materials in some languages are no longer available in print form. Please contact Interpreter Services at 617-726-6966 for more details.


Point to Talk booklets are available online for the following languages:

Communication Tool binder

Inpatient nurse stations have a Communication Tool binder with copies of each language booklet.

Written translations

Having patients’ handouts translated and available in the most frequently used languages can help with patient care. If you have patient material to translate, contact

HealthStream Training Module

The Disparities Solutions Center, in collaboration with the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions (MGH IHP) and with support from the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, developed an interprofessional curriculum to educate those in the health professions to:

  • Understand the evidence of disparities and high rate of medical errors, particularly for patients with Limited English Proficiency
  • Work effectively with interpreters and other care team members to ensure safe, high quality care for patients with Limited English Proficiency
  • Explore how systems of care can be improved to ensure quality and safety for patients with Limited English Proficiency in a team environment

This curriculum was pilot tested with an interprofessional group of faculty and students from Harvard Medical School and the MGH IHP School of Nursing and is now available for educators in the health professions who are interested in incorporating training on providing safe, effective care for patients with Limited English Proficiency in an interprofessional environment. The e-learning modules were also piloted with clinical staff at Mass General and adopted as part of the Mass General Physicians Organization’s annual training requirements in 2015, and is now available on Healthstream under the title: MGH PCS Providing Safe and Effective Care for Patients with Limited English Proficiency (LEP)