The McCance Center operates two clinics, one for preventive brain care and one for people suffering from neurological complications of COVID-19. You can request an appointment by calling us at 617-726-4881. At both clinics, we will conduct a phone consultation prior to a full appointment.

Brain Health Clinic Appointments

  • Consultation: Complete a brief phone consultation to review your goals and concerns.
  • Scheduling: After your initial assessment, you will be scheduled with a doctor matched to your specific goals and needs. Most patients will meet with a neurologist; our team also includes general internal medicine and psychiatry specialists. Appointments can be scheduled in-person or virtually using video.
  • Referrals: If a referral is needed, we will discuss that in the phone consultation.
  • Confirmation: Confirmation of your appointment, an overview of our Center and directions or virtual log-in information will be mailed to the address you provide.