About Hannah Shefsky, MA, MT-BC

Specialty: Music Therapist, Adults
Education/Training: MA, Music Therapy and Mental Health Counseling
Certifications: Board Certified Music Therapist
Year of Certification: 2017
Years at MGHCC: Since 2017

What drew you to your specialty? When I first discovered music therapy, I had been working for years as a music educator. As much as I loved teaching music, the emphasis music therapy places on the social and emotional aspects of music, rather than on technical skill, really resonated with me. I feel lucky to have found a field that allows me to use music to foster meaningful connections, self-expression, well-being, and healing.

What is your favorite part of your job? My favorite part of this job is getting to connect with patients and their families through music. I love the process of working together to explore how music can offer support and bring a bit of light and joy to a scary time.

What would you like to tell patients and their families about integrative therapies and your specialty? Music therapy is an evidenced-based practice that has been shown to have a range of social, emotional, and physical benefits. For patients and their families, engaging in music therapy can help reduce fear and anxiety, promote relaxation, support pain management, improve mood, and decrease feelings of isolation. Music therapy requires no prior music experience and can take on many forms – together with a board-certified music therapist, you can learn a new instrument, sing favorite songs, enjoy gentle live music for relaxation, write original music, or create special recordings to share with loved ones.

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