Featured Research Programs

Kistler Stroke Research Center

The J. Phillip Kistler Stroke Research Center provides office space for Stroke Service research groups.

Athinoula A. Martinos Center For Biomedical Imaging

One of the world’s premier research centers devoted to development and application of advanced biomedical imaging technologies.

Other Neurology Research Labs

Learn more about the labs and researchers in the Mass General Department of Neurology.

New England Regional Coordinating Center (NERCC)

The NERCC is a collaboration of sites encompassing 13 of the top academic medical centers in New England, with Mass General as coordinating site, in participation with NIH StrokeNet.

Affiliated Research Centers and Laboratories

Clinical stroke research is imperative if we are to devise more-effective strategies for stroke prevention, acute stroke management and stroke recovery. With the help of our patients, we are gaining exciting insights into these and other aspects of stroke.