About the Center

Our center is dedicated to enhancing brain health through a holistic approach that encompasses emotional well-being and considers social and environmental factors. Our interdisciplinary team consists of neurologists, psychiatrists, geriatricians, gerontologists, social workers, AI/machine learning specialists, computer scientists, engineers, and data scientists. This diverse expertise enables us to adopt interdisciplinary approaches to our work.

Our Research

Our research encompasses the discovery, development, and implementation of promising therapeutics, biomarkers and associated diagnostics for individuals with complex brain and other disorders that affect cognition, behavior, emotion, sensory and physiological functioning. We conduct proof-of-concept studies, Phase 1b through Phase 4 clinical trials, and biomarker-intensive treatment trials. Our innovative clinical trial designs address the heterogeneity of neurocognitive disorders of aging, including non-pharmacological trials.

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Our Clinical Trial Core Center

Clinical & Translational Research Unit (CTRU): The CTRU research team develops and deploys novel therapeutics and diagnostics to improve the care of patients with complex brain disorders that impact cognitive, behavioral, emotional, sensory, and motor functioning.

Our Team