Quality & Safety

Our Approach to Quality & Safety at Mass General
Our approach to patient care reflects our commitment to safety, effectiveness, patient centeredness, timeliness, efficiency and equity—and our approach is always evolving based on the latest research findings.
High-Quality Patient Care
Learn how our people, facilities, technology and services help us provide the highest quality care.
Annual Report on Equity in Health Care Quality
This report monitors several key components of care quality by race, ethnicity, and language.
Patient Safety Stars
Each year, Mass General honors Patient Safety Stars as part of our Patient Safety Week celebrations.
Patient Experience Programs
Learn about Mass General’s icare and What Matters to You programs, both part of our efforts to deliver the best experience to our patients.
Learn More
Massachusetts General Hospital is committed to providing the highest quality, safest care to all patients. This website is designed to help patients and families find useful information about quality at Mass General.