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We’re driven to remain a trailblazer in this new era of targeted therapies and personalized urological care.

The Department of Urology at Massachusetts General Hospital treats every specialty of male and female urology and consistently ranks among the best in the nation.

  • Our internationally known doctors perform more than 12,000 urology procedures and surgeries each year.
  • We are a recognized leader in investigating the causes of prostate and bladder cancer.
  • We have an impressive track record in developing preventive methods, treatments and cures for a wide range of urological diseases and disorders.
  • Our department provides opportunities for residents and longtime faculty alike to learn through every stage in their careers.

Our skilled, compassionate team is committed to furthering our understanding of urological diseases and creating individualized treatments that will improve outcomes and change the standard of urological care.

Urology research

Imagine a future where …

  • Scientists have a richer understanding of the biological and molecular causes of complex urological diseases, including prostate and bladder cancers.
  • Reliable, reproducible tools pinpoint subtypes of each disease, helping investigators to make diagnoses more quickly and accurately.
  • Investigators create targeted therapies customized to each patient’s specific form of a disease.
  • Residents, fellows, faculty and researchers all embrace a mentality of lifelong learning to successfully diagnose and treat our patients.

Thanks to faculty and staff who bring unparalleled expertise in urological research and care, Mass General is well positioned to bring this future to life.

Male Infertility
Featured Story

Male Infertility: Six Things You Should Know

A Mass General urologist provides facts about male infertility and offers expert advice about what to expect when you seek related care.

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