The Sean. M. Healey & AMG Center for ALS at Massachusetts General Hospital is accepting nominations for the 2024 Drs. Ayeez and Shelena Lalji & Family ALS Student Scholar Award for Repair and Regenerative Mechanisms in ALS in honor of Dr. Ayeez Lalji, who was diagnosed in 2017 and is still bravely and valiantly living with ALS. This award will recognize and attract the brightest young scientists into the field of ALS and facilitate meaningful research to understand the mechanisms underlying axonal and neuronal repair and regeneration in ALS and/or other neurodegenerative disorders that may be translatable to ALS.

This award is open to undergraduate, graduate, or summer students conducting research under the direction of a mentor. Applications must be accompanied by a letter of support from the mentor who oversees the laboratory where the research will be performed. 


The awardees will be selected by members of the Lalji family, Healey Center Scientific Advisory Council, and advisors who are living with ALS. The selection will be based on the academic credentials of the student, the scientific merit of the proposed project, and the relevancy of the proposal to axonal and neuronal repair in ALS.

Timeline for Submission