Mass General Community Health

Building a Culture of Health in Our Local Communities
Mass General is committed to achieving health equity by partnering with diverse local communities to deliver high-quality care and address the social determinants of health, such as housing and food insecurity, education and employment, as well as systemic and institutional racism.
Center for Community Health Improvement
Working with community and hospital partners, CCHI brings together people and resources to address challenging health problems and foster sustainable improvement.
Community Health Centers
We carry out work in Chelsea, Revere and Charlestown, where Mass General has maintained health care centers for more than 40 years.
Kraft Center for Community Health
The Kraft Center incubates & develops solutions to the most difficult, real world community health problems, executing locally & spreading best solutions with local and national partners.
4,600 people participated in efforts to assess community health needs;
form action plans on housing, financial mobility, behavioral health & more.
100% of MGH Youth Scholars graduated high school; 87% matriculated
to college & 75% graduated college within 5 years—higher than national averages for urban youth.
The CareZONE mobile health program had 3,800 contacts with people on
Boston streets suffering from SUD & exchanged 41,000 syringes.