About Kate Quint, LICSW

Kate Quint is the dedicated social worker for the Comprehensive Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Center. She graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Psychology from Florida State University in 1997 and Masters degree in Social Work from Boston College in 2004. Kate has 16 years experience as a medical social worker with both adults and children living with chronic illness. For 10 of those years, she was a social worker in BCH’s pediatric sickle cell program. Just prior to coming to Mass General, Kate worked as a case manager in primary care where she provided care coordination and education around a multitude of community resources to underprivileged patients.

Kate is particularly passionate about the social barriers vulnerable and marginalized populations face interfering with access to optimal medical care. She enjoys being an advocate to these patients, a trusted support, and an empathetic ear to them.

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