You can begin the appointment process online or call 617-643-5687 to discuss possible options for consultation at Mass General.

Thank you for contacting the Mass General Paralysis Center. Our doctors, nurse practitioners and staff are among the world’s best, and our goal is to find the right clinician for you. To help us process your request for an appointment please fill out the form below.

If you are already a Mass General Neurosurgery or Paralysis patient, please call your physician's office directly to schedule an appointment.

* indicates a required field.

Requestor Information

If you are an international patient, please complete this form to be contacted by our International Patient Center.

Patient Information


To expedite your request, please call 1-866-211-6588, Monday-Thursday 7:30 am-6:00 pm; Friday 7:30 am-5:00 pm EST, to obtain a Medical Record Number.  Unfortunately, we are unable to schedule an appointment without this number. 

About Your Appointment

Other Required Information

Please fax this report to 617-724-3484 or mail to:  

Mass General Neurosurgery

Attn: Joanne M. Gover, R.N.

55 Fruit Street

Wang Suite 745

Boston, MA 02114