Patient EducationApr 30, 2021
How to Complete a Massachusetts Health Care Proxy Form
What would happen if you had a sudden illness, injury, or accident that prevented you from making decisions about your medical care? You have the right to make your wishes about health care decisions known and respected, even if you can’t make them yourself. Learn how to complete a Massachusetts Health Care Proxy form that allows you to choose a person you trust to speak for you if you are unable to speak for yourself.
Speakers: Brian Cyr, RN, Gail Alexander, RN, Jessica Kaloustian, SLP, and Christine Marmen, RN
Link to Attend:
This online program is free and open to MGH staff, patients, and the general public.
The Blum Center has moved our programs online using a platform called Zoom. All programs are free and open to Mass General staff, patients and the general public. To attend this program, follow the Zoom link.