Patient EducationJan 27, 2022
MassGeneral Hospital for Children Parenting Series: Struggling and Strength: Tips to Build Resiliency in Children
When faced with challenging or stressful situations, learning how to adapt and overcome is an important skill for overall wellbeing. This is called building resiliency skills. Aude Henin, PhD, shares tips to help your child or teen cope with challenges or stressors. She also discusses how you can help build a support system for yourself and your family to encourage a sense of resilience in children.
Speaker: Aude Henin, PhD
Link to Attend:
This online program is free and open to MGH staff, patients, and the general public.
The Blum Center has moved our programs online using a platform called Zoom. All programs are free and open to Mass General staff, patients and the general public. To attend this program, follow the Zoom link.
The MGHfC Parenting Series is a collaboration between the Maxwell & Eleanor Blum Patient and Family Learning Center and MassGeneral Hospital for Children.