For you

  • Talk to your doctor about when you can return to school.
  • Talk with teachers, counselors and coaches about the symptoms of your concussion so they can help watch for the following symptoms and get help if your child needs it:
    • Trouble paying attention or concentrating
    • Difficulty remembering or learning new information
    • Needing more time to complete assignments or exams
    • Increased irritability or feeling less able to cope with stress
    • Headaches, fatigue or dizziness, especially when doing schoolwork

For families

  • Find out who assigns the 504 plans at your child’s school and let them know about your child’s injury. This is usually a school psychologist, director of special education or guidance counselor. A 504 plan is a legal document that lists accommodations or extra supports for children who have disabilities or who are recovering from a serious injury, such as concussion.
    • A 504 plan can help give your child extra support so they can continue to do well in school while they recover. It will not count against your child in college applications. If needed, a 504 plan can be carried over into college.
    • A 504 plan can also be applied to the SATs and other standardized tests.
  • Think about trying the following strategies:
    • Have your child go to school on partial attendance. This may include a late start or early dismissal.
    • Ask teachers and other school staff how to build in rest periods for your child during the day.
    • Ask teachers for extra time on assignment or exams.
    • Post-pone or stagger testing.
    • Work with your child’s teachers to arrange a quiet or separate room/space to take tests.
    • Have your child write things down to help them remember. You can also ask teachers about how to get a scribe or notetaker in class for your child.
    • Work with a tutor or teachers for extra help after school

A note for families…

There are many things you can do to help your child return to school while recovering from a concussion. Ask the care team if you have questions or concerns about your child going back to school.