Scheduling Appointments
For patients: 888-644-3248
For referring physicians: 888-644-3211
If your child has never been seen at Massachusetts General Hospital and does not have a Mass General medical record number, please call 888-644-3211 to obtain one before calling to schedule an appointment.
Convenient Locations Near You
Now you can see MassGeneral for Children pediatric specialists at the Emerson Hospital Center for Specialty Care in Concord and more than a dozen other convenient locations in Eastern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire.
Please note that this practice location is not located on the campus of Emerson Hospital but rather in a new, state-of-the-art outpatient center with a unique suite dedicated to the care of your child.
Endocrinology & Diabetes
Gastroenterology & Nutrition
Nephrology & Hypertension
Directions & Details
Explore our community locations
You can see Mass General for Children specialists in more than a dozen locations throughout Eastern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire.