Philanthropy has always been an essential part of Mass General’s history, dating back to the founding of the hospital in 1811. Gifts from individuals help to support the hospital’s three-part mission of innovative research and education in addition to patient care that is second to none.
To make a secure online gift to support the Division of Neonatology and Newborn Medicine, please visit the MassGeneral Hospital for Children donation form. In the "Designation" box, type in " Division of Neonatology and Newborn Medicine " and complete the rest of the form.
If you prefer to make a gift via check, please make your check payable to The Massachusetts General Hospital, add " Division of Neonatology and Newborn Medicine " in the memo line, and mail it to:
Tracie DeGuglielmo
Director of Development
MassGeneral Hospital for Children, Development Office
125 Nashua Street, Suite 540
Boston, MA 02114-1101