The MGH Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service recently launched the ChAMP Clinic to provide outpatient psychiatric consultation to children with both medical and psychiatric illness.

Elizabeth Pinsky, MD and Lawrence Selter, MD will accept referrals from primary care physicians and subspecialists with patients exhibiting problems including psychosomatic illness, depression or anxiety related to medical illness, psychiatric issues interfering with adherence to medical treatment and illnesses that have both psychological and physical manifestations such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.

The clinic will provide evaluations, treatment recommendations, short-term care and referrals to local providers for those needing long-term care.

For more information, email or Contact the Child Psychiatry Triage Team at (617) 726-2726 to arrange a referral.

ChAMP is located in the MGH Child Psychiatry Department, YAW-6A.