Healthy Families America Home Visiting Program
Healthy Families provides home visiting to vulnerable high risk families to support healthy child and family development from pregnancy through the first three years of life.

Contact Information
Maria Yolanda Parra
Phone: 617-887-3845
The Healthy Families program at the MGH Chelsea Healthcare Center builds secure parent child attachment, enriches child development, fosters empathetic parents, supports families to reduce their stress and builds protective buffers for their children. Healthy Families America at MGH Chelsea is a home visitor service provided to first-time parents, including those newly arrived in this country.
We are affiliated with Healthy Families America, a nationally-recognized, evidence-based home visiting program model designed to work with overburdened families who are at risk for adverse childhood experiences.
The program runs from pregnancy through the child's third birthday. Bi-cultural home visitors go to the home of high risk pregnant women and new mothers and provide emotional and concrete support for the participants and families for adjusting to a new culture and health care system. We aim to empower mothers in a culturally appropriate manner to help them find effective solutions and reduce parental stress.
We promote access to health care for all by minimizing barriers, such as language, ethnicity or ability to pay.