Research Spotlight: A Narrative Review of Medical Gaslighting
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Recent news coverage of the Tobacco Research & Treatment Center (TRTC) at Massachusetts General Hospital.
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May 4, 2021 NBC10 Boston
Nancy Rigotti, MD, speaks to NBC10 Boston about a new plant-based smoking cessation drug in the final stages of research at Mass General. To enroll, call (617) 726-7443; visit; or e-mail
April 9, 2018 Associated Press
Nancy Rigotti, MD, offers perspective on a study that validated the safety of popular smoking cessation medications.
April 2, 2018 Vogue
This article focusing on e-cigarette use and safety quotes Nancy Rigotti, MD.
March 26, 2018 Reuters
A recently published analysis lead by Nancy Rigotti, MD, found that intermittent e-cigarette use may hinder smokers’ quit attempts.
February 14, 2018 Metro.US
Nancy Rigotti, MD, is quoted in this article focusing on the safety of e-cigarettes, a National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine report on e-cigarettes which Dr. Rigotti co-authored
January 24, 2018 Boston Herald
A recent NASEM report on e-cigarettes co-authored by Nancy Rigotti, MD, is featured along with quotes from Dr. Rigotti.
September 18, 2017 Daily Mail
A study lead by Krishna Reddy, MD, found that smokers with HIV are more likely to die from Lung Cancer than HIV.
June 15, 2017 USA Today
Nancy Rigotti, MD, provides insight on the pros and cons of electronic cigarettes.
May 10, 2017
Jonathan Winickoff, MD, voices his support for Massachusetts Senate Bill 1218/ House Bill 2864, which would raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco products to 21 statewide.
February 2, 2017 MedPage Today
Elyse Park, PhD, provides context to elucidate the reasons lung cancer screening rates among smokers continue to lag.
November 8, 2016 Healthline News
Travis Baggett, MD, co-authored a study which found that the health of HIV patients who smoke is harmed more by their smoking than by their HIV.
October 4, 2016 Boston Globe
Jonathan Winickoff, MD, is part of group that filed a lawsuit with the hopes of making the FDA require that cigarette packs display graphic, discouraging images.
September 12, 2016 U.S. News and World Report
Anne Thorndike, MD, is featured, offering insightful tips for people considering quitting smoking and losing weight.
September 6, 2016 Norman Transcript
Sara Kalkhoran, MD, offers insight on the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool in this article examining the impact FDA regulations may have.
July 10, 2016 New York Times
Jonathan Winickoff, MD, comments on study findings that show increased use of e-cigarette use by U.S. high school students.
April 11, 2016 Bladen Journal
Jonathan Winickoff, MD, discusses the concept of Thirdhand Smoke as it relates to smoke-free policies in public housing complexes.
April 5, 2016 U.S. News and World Report
Jonathan Winickoff, MD, is quoted extensively in this article examining Thirdhand Smoke.
March 1, 2016
Sanja Percac-Lima, MD, found that many potential lung cancer patients do not receive their recommended follow-up within 30 days.
January, 25 2016 Fox News
This article discusses findings by Sara Kalkhoran, MD, regarding the use of e-cigarettes as an aide to smoking cessation.
January 17, 2016 Yahoo News
Research by Sara Kalkhoran, MD, suggests that e-cigarette use actually increases the likelihood that people will continue smoking rather than quit.
December 31, 2015 Huffington Post
Nancy Rigotti, MD, is quoted for her insights on a study which suggests teens may be more susceptible to becoming addicted to cigarettes.
November 24, 2015 Ottawa Citizen
Research findings presented by Travis Baggett, MD, outlining the mortality risks related to tobacco and alcohol use among the homeless are discussed in this piece.
November 24, 2015 CFRA 580 News Talk Radio
Travis Baggett, MD, presented his research on the health concerns of the homeless at the 12th annual Community Forum on Ending Homelessness in Ottawa.
October 6, 2015 Hickory Daily Record
Jonathan Winickoff, MD, and his work on Thirdhand Smoke, are profiled ahead of his October 7th Lecture at Lenoir-Rhyne University.
September 25, 2015 Huffington Post
Jonathan Winickoff, MD, discusses some of the cons of e-cigarette use
September 17, 2015
Sara Kalkhoran's, MD, research simulating the long run population health effects of e-cigarette use is discussed.
September 14, 2015 CBS Boston
Insights on e-cigarettes from Nancy Rigotti, MD, are referenced.
September 10, 2015 Fox News
Nancy Rigotti, MD, is quoted on the merits of a recent study that examined the safety of e-cigarettes.
August 20, 2015 JAMA
Dr. Rigotti discusses e-cigarettes, particularly new research findings and her accompanying editorial, in this JAMA "Author Interview." To hear the interview follow the link below and find the interview on the right sidebar, under the title "Related Multimedia", or download it as a podcast.
August 18, 2015 U.S. News & World Report
Nancy Rigotti, MD, discusses the implications of research that linked teen's e-cigarette use to the initiation of smoking.
July 2015 SGIM Forum
Nancy Rigotti, MD, received the prestigious Eisenberg Award at the SGIM Annual Meeting in April 2015.
June 15, 2015 Reuters
This article discusses research by Elyse Park, PhD regarding the impact of interventions by primary care providers on smokers.
May 15, 2015 Washington Post
Nancy Rigotti, MD, is quoted on Cytisine, a smoking cessation drug currently being evaluated by the FDA.
March 12, 2015 Wall Street Journal
Research on the impact of rising the legal age to purchase tobacco by Dr. Jonathan Winickoff is cited.
December 17, 2014 U.S. News and World Report
Nancy Rigotti’s, MD, NEJM editorial on Cytisine is referenced and Dr. Rigotti adds supporting quotes.
November 10, 2014 Reuters
Research by Nancy Rigotti, MD, found that patients are not routinely being asked about their exposure to second-hand smoke.
October 28, 2014 Wall Street Journal
Jonathan Winickoff’s, MD, efforts to increase the legal age for buying tobacco are featured.
March 31, 2014 New York Times
This article references Sara Kalkhoran, MD, and a commentary piece she co-wrote which accompanied a study outlining the positive impacts smoking bans have on pediatric health.
Mass General is recognized as a leader in patient care, education and research, and ranks among the most prestigious medical institutions.
Advances in Motion highlights the latest breakthroughs, research and clinical trials from Mass General.
We offer innovative, high-quality medical care, trains future medical leaders, and produces research that advances science and improves care.
Your support of TRTC helps us provide the best possible care today and expand what will be possible tomorrow.
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Researchers demonstrated that a new imaging technique can yield quantitative estimates of baseline tumor PD-L1 heterogeneity lab models.
Researchers used a nanovaccine to trigger an anti-tumor response for a rare form of melanoma.
Caitlin Dugdale, MD, MSc, and Kimon Zachary, MD, are co-lead authors of a new study in Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, TB or Not TB? Development and Validation of a Clinical Decision Support System for the Evaluation of Suspected Tuberculosis.
Uncontrolled blood pressure puts people at increased risk of developing heart disease, brain disease, and kidney disease, yet only one in four people have their blood pressure under good control.
Research has shown that integrating anything at this scale into human daily life could lead to overuse and addiction. So what does all this screentime mean for our long-term mental and physical health?
Contact the TRTC at Mass General to learn more about our research.