The Massachusetts General Hospital Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry preliminary intern is generally a candidate who did not match the Postdoctoral Application Support Service (PASS), applied too late or did not apply for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) residency. The position is for a dental school graduate and would be credentialed at Mass General as a PGY-1 resident with all the same privileges as any other PGY-1 resident. The preliminary’s primary role includes:
- Assisting in Mass General outpatient clinics and performing simple procedures, such as biopsies and small cysts
- Responding to hospital calls
- Covering hospital clinics
- Assisting in the operating room
- Participating in all resident academic activities as a PGY-1 resident, with the exception of participation at Harvard Medical School (HMS)
The intern will be proficient to help, teach, supervise general practice residents and students, provide knowledge of head and neck anatomy, surgical anatomy (access incisions, principles) and will have successfully completed surgical anatomy course.
- The OMFS preliminary intern will partake in all departmental didactic and teaching sessions, including crash course physical diagnosis and pathophysiology (renal, cardiac, pulmonary and neurology). Interns will gain experience in:
- Extractions and removing wisdom teeth
- "Simple" OMFS clinic cases (i.e. biopsies, small cysts)
- Bone grafts
- Lacerations
- Assist in a wide variety of main operating room cases including bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO), osteotomies, resections and restructions
By the end of the year, the preliminary intern will have developed in-depth knowledge and proficient skills in the hospital, which will include adhering to institutional principles (Basic Life Support-BLS/Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support -ACLS), following universal protocols, and accurately documenting charts (history, physicals and admissions).
The preliminary intern will gain knowledge and experience in the following areas:
- Completing orders both preoperatively (consent, history and physical) and postoperatively (diet, meds, discharge)
- Assessing wound status and occlusions
- Accurately presenting patients to residents
- Documenting cases (take photographs, order appropriate tests, request radiology reports/films)
Interns will gain competency in diagnosis and treatment planning for common cases, including:
- Fracture cases and lacerations
- Rigid fixation principles
- Infection cases
- Orthognathic workups
How to Apply
Interested applicants should submit a:
- Copy of their PASS application
- Current CV
- 2 x 2 photo for identification purposes
If mailing, return the application and all supporting documentation to:
Zach Peacock, DMD, MD
ATTN: Residency Program Coordinator
55 Fruit Street, WRN 1201
The Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry
Boston, MA 02115