The Spiritual Care Department upholds the definition of spirituality used in our field which is “…the dynamic aspect of human life that relates to the way persons (individuals and community) experience, express and/or seek meaning, purpose and transcendence and the way they connect to the moment, to self, to others, to nature, to the significant and/or the sacred. Spirituality is expressed through beliefs, values, traditions and practices.” (Journal of Palliative Medicine, 2014.)

We welcome and include all people, and work in collaboration with the interdisciplinary care team. Our Spiritual Care Providers (SCPs) are assigned to specific units throughout the hospital, where we respond to referrals and visit most patients and families needing spiritual support. Frequent situations to which we are called include patients, families or staff grappling with moral distress; patients and families facing a new diagnosis; having to decide on treatment options; looking to change their goals of care from curative to palliative; and needing to explore their end-of-life concerns and ethical issues.

Our Team: 

Rev. Donna Blagdan, BCC, Director of Spiritual Care

Rabbi Shulamit Izen, MAHL, BCC, ACPE Certified Educator, Director of Clinical Pastoral Education

Chaplain Alex Baskin, MDiv, Spiritual Care Provider – Cardiology and Transplant

Chaplain jessica young chang, Spiritual Care Provider – Reproductive Health

Rev. Carlos de Pina, BCC, Spiritual Care Provider – General Medicine

Chaplain Kate Gerne, MDiv, BCC, Spiritual Care Provider – Oncology

Rev. Ethan Loewi, MDiv, BCC, Spiritual Care Provider – General Medicine

Rev. Erica Long, MDiv, BCC, Spiritual Care Provider – Neurology and Psychiatry

Chaplain Catherine Mikula, MDiv, Spiritual Care Provider – General Medicine      

Chaplain Maryclare O’Brien-Wilson, MDiv, Spiritual Care Provider – Pediatrics and General Medicine

Father Elias Ojomah, MA – Catholic Priest

Chaplain Jeff Shackleton, OFM, BCC, Spiritual Care Provider – Emergency Medicine          

Working alongside us are Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) Residents.