About Lisa Keovongsa, RD, LDN

My nutrition counseling involves interacting closely with patients and clients. In my experience, regardless of the setting, I recognized that many individuals struggled in their relationship with food, exercise, and their body. They hoped to find balance and make changes that were not quick fixes, but offered sustainability and self-acceptance. A strong advocate of intuitive eating, I encouraged these patients to trust their bodies and their ability to utilize nutrients. My interventions include using Christopher Fairburn's and Ellyn Satter's work to facilitate adolescent and young adult patients in weight concerns and eating disorder treatment. I have found that these strategies provide hope and encouragement amidst the ever present and shaming diet culture. My career goal is to continue providing compassionate, effective nutrition therapy for patients seeking to repair their relationship with food and exercise.

Today, I strive diligently to practice the principles I use to educate. In addition to my love of nutrition, I enjoy the outdoors, morning yoga, riding my scooter, and the occasional knitting project. I face each opportunity with excitement and have loved working in the Boston and Cambridge areas.

Clinical Interests:




Mass General for Children

55 Fruit Street
Yawkey Center for Outpatient Care, Suite 6C
Boston, MA 02114
Pediatric Endocrine Program and Diabetes Center: 617-726-2909

View location, directions and parking information for Mass General, Yawkey Center


  • BS, dietetics and clinical nutrition services, senior, Brigham Young University