Patient EducationApr | 19 | 2019
How to Use Your Breathing Mask with Success
Wearing your breathing mask can take some getting used to. It's normal to feel uncomfortable at first. You will get used to your mask as you learn to wear it more often. Here are some tips to help you get used to wearing your breathing mask.
Why Do I Have to Wear My Breathing Mask When I Sleep?
Your breathing mask helps you breathe easier while you sleep. It’s important to wear every night so you feel rested and focused for your day ahead.

How Long Do I Have to Wear My Mask?
You should wear your breathing mask from the time you go to bed to the time you wake up.
When Will I Get Used to My Mask?
You will get used to your mask as you wear it more often. It might be uncomfortable at first, but it will not hurt.
How Can I Get Used to My Mask?
- Ask your doctor or your family to help you put on the mask. This can help you keep the mask on longer. It can also help the mask feel more comfortable.
- Wear your mask for a few minutes at a time. Start by wearing it for 1 minute. Then, try wearing it for 2-3 minutes. You will get used to the mask as you wear it for longer periods of time.
- Wear your mask while watching TV or doing something fun. You don’t have to turn on the breathing machine. Simply wear the mask to start getting used to it.
- When you are comfortable wearing the mask while doing something fun, try wearing it while you nap.
- When you are comfortable wearing the mask for a nap, wear it at night when you sleep.
- If your mask is uncomfortable, tell your doctor. The doctor can help fit your mask better or find another one.
- If the mask gives you a runny or dry nose, use saline spray before you go to sleep. Saline spray is a spray you use in your nose to help it feel less runny or dry.
Where Can I Learn More About My Mask?
Rev. 3/2017
Massachusetts General Hospital and MassGeneral for Children do not endorse any brands listed on this webpage. This webpage is intended to provide health information so that you can be better informed. It is not a substitute for medical advice and should not be used to treatment of any medical conditions.
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