Preparing for the Sitzmark study

  • Your child must swallow a capsule on days one, two and three. There are 24 rings in each capsule. These rings will be visible in your child’s x-ray and will help the doctor determine how your child’s intestine moves.
  • If your child cannot swallow the capsule, it can be opened and mixed in soft food (pudding, ice cream, applesauce, etc.).
  • Do not chew the rings.
  • If your child refuses to swallow all of the rings, please try to figure out how many are actually consumed and let your doctor know.
  • The rings will harmlessly pass out in your child’s stool. This is to be expected. You may or may not see the rings.

How does the study x-ray work?

  • On days four and seven, your child will need x-rays of his or her stomach (KUB x-ray).
  • One x-ray should be taken each day.
  • The doctor will review your child’s x-ray results and plan your child’s treatment with you.

Please note: These x-rays must be done at one of the following:

  • Mass General for Children - Boston
  • MGH West - Waltham
  • MGH North - Danvers


Talk to your doctor about scheduling your child’s Sitzmark study.

Day 1 Take 1 capsule
Day 2 Take 1 capsule at the same time as on Day 1
Day 3 Take 1 capsule at the same time as on Day 1 and Day 2
Day 4 KUB stomach x-ray within 2 hours of the time the capsule was taken on Days 1, 2 and 3
Day 7 KUB stomach x-ray; same as on Day 4

If you have further questions or if your child becomes very uncomfortable, vomits, develops a swollen abdomen or fever during the test please call the nurse at 617-724-0732. After 5 pm or on weekends page the Pediatric GI doctor on call at 617-726-2241.

Rev. 5/2012. This document is intended to provide health related information so that you may be better informed. It is not a substitute for a doctor's medical advice and should not be relied upon for treatment for specific medical conditions.