1. Female athletes are just as likely to tear their ACL as male athletes.
Female athletes are 4-8 times more likely to tear their ACL than male athletes due to gender differences in lower-extremity anatomy, neuromuscular control and landing mechanics.

2. Most ACL injuries in women occur during a collision.
70% of ACL injuries in women occur without contact from the knee giving away during a pivoting or landing event.

3. There is no way to prevent ACL injuries in female athletes.
ACL preventative training programs (PTP) can decrease the risk of ACL injury by 67% in female athletes. Preventative training programs include a variety of balance, plyometric, strengthening and proximal control exercises.

4. Strong quadricep muscles are suitable in preventing ACL injuries.
Strength of the hamstrings, quads, glutes, hips and trunk complex affects the entire lower extremity. Exercises targeted toward these body parts can decrease the risk of ACL injuries by modifying high-risk landing positions.

5. Regular sport practice is enough to prevent ACL injuries.
Only participating in regular sport training can lead to muscle imbalances, which can lead to improper body positioning and landing mechanics. Strength in the glutes, hips, trunk, quads and hamstrings needs to be developed and maintained through basic and sport specific exercises.