Before your geriatric fracture care surgery, you may have questions and concerns. Read the information below, and if you have further questions, call us 617-697-4806.

Before your surgery, you will be asked many questions

Surgeons, anesthesiologists, doctors, nurse practitioners and nurses will all ask:

  • What happened?
  • What is your medical history?
  • Have you had other surgeries?
  • Who is your health care proxy and do you have advanced directives?

Make sure you ask questions about your care and surgery. We are happy to answer all of your questions.

What to Expect

  • You will have nothing to eat for 8-12 hours before your surgery.
  • You will receive pain medication. Let us know if you are in pain!
  • You will have a chest X-ray and blood work performed.
  • You will receive fluids and medications through an IV in your arm or hand.
  • You might have difficulty sleeping because of noise, light and regular interruptions from your care team.
  • You will probably have to use a bed pan or urinal to go to the bathroom. Do not worry, your nurse will help if you need assistance.