Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program
Contact Information
Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Program
Kim Bremner
Fellowship Coordinator
Phone: 617-632-3474
Email: kim_bremner@dfci.harvard.edu
Explore This Fellowship
The Dana-Farber/Mass General Brigham Fellowship in Hematology/Oncology prepares academically oriented physicians to become leaders in clinical and laboratory investigation, clinical care, and education.
The program has two interconnected tracks -- a Hematology/Oncology Track that admits 14 new fellows each year, and a Classical Hematology Tract that admits 2 new fellows each year. After an initial year of intensive clinical training, fellows in both tracks pursue two or more years of in-depth clinical, translational, and/or basic science research.
Clinical training in hematology/medical oncology and classical hematology
During the first year of training, fellows in both the Hematology/Oncology Track and the Classical Hematology Track divide their time among the Dana-Farber, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), and Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) campuses. The combined institutions have more than 1,400 inpatient beds, and provide inpatient and ambulatory hematology and oncology care to patients from around the world.
Hematology/Oncology Track
During the clinical year, outpatient hematology and oncology experiences are organized around disease-specific programs, and fellows are supervised directly by faculty mentors in each clinical division. Fellows working in inpatient services provide care and consultative services in hematology and medical oncology to a varied population of patients. Trainees also attend a wide variety of teaching conferences at both the Longwood (Dana-Farber and BWH) and MGH campuses. In addition, there are weekly disease-oriented teaching sessions sponsored by the relevant programs.
Classical Hematology Track
The Classical Hematology track is a new addition to the Dana-Farber/Mass General Brigham Fellowship program. Interested applicants can begin submitting applications for the Classical Hematology Track in July 2022. The goal of the Classical Hematology Track is to prepare physicians for both clinical and research careers in classical hematology. During the clinical year, outpatient malignant and non-malignant hematology experiences will be organized around disease-specific programs, and fellows will be supervised directly by faculty mentors in each clinical division. Fellows working in inpatient services will provide care and consultative services in malignant and non-malignant hematology to a varied population of patients. Trainees will also attend a wide variety of teaching conferences at both the Longwood (Dana-Farber and BWH) and MGH campuses. Conferences will include joint conferences with the fellows in the Hematology/Oncology Track and conferences designed specifically for the Classical Hematology fellows.
Training beyond the first year
In the second year and beyond, fellows in both the Hematology/Oncology Track and the Classical Hematology Track begin a period of immersive research, with the aim of assuming independent research programs in respected academic institutions.
A variety of investigative opportunities, ranging from the most fundamental molecular biology to clinical trials and health outcome analyses, are available at Dana-Farber, Brigham and Women's Hospital, and MGH, as well as in laboratories located at the MGH Cancer Center in Charlestown, the Harvard Medical School, Boston Children's Hospital, and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Additional clinical training is available for those in the Hematology/Oncology Track desiring to board in hematology. Additionally, upper-level fellows maintain a longitudinal continuity clinic in the disease center and campus of their choosing.
How to Apply
All applications for this program are processed through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). Please note that both tracks are listed under Brigham and Women's Hospital. Applicants can apply to either one or both tracks.
The deadline for applications is August 31.
Kim Bremner
Fellowship Coordinator
Phone: 617-632-3474
Fax: 617-632-2260
Email: kim_bremner@dfci.harvard.edu
The Dana-Farber/Mass General Brigham Fellowship in Hematology/Oncology prepares academically oriented physicians to become leaders in clinical and laboratory investigation, clinical care, and education.
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