Global Health Programs
Contact Information
Mass General Imaging Global Health Programs
Massachusetts General Hospital
175 Cambridge Street, Suite 200
The Department of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital is proud to have extensive experience working with healthcare providers around the world to address unmet medical imaging needs for vulnerable populations.
Residents, fellows and attendings have worked with radiologists in Rwanda, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, China, India and Haiti.
Examples of our work include:
- David Rosman, MD started the first radiology residency program in Rwanda at the Central Hospital of the University of Rwanda in Kigali.
- Jae Song, MD implemented PACS at the Muhimbili National Hospital and Muhimbili Orthopaedic Institute in Tanzania.
- Michael Gee, MD, PhD and Camilo Jaimes, MD developed MRI protocols for pediatric and adult patients at the Black Lion and St. Paul’s Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
- Ranu Shailam, MD reviewed teleradiology cases for Partners in Health in Haiti.
The Mass General Department of Radiology is a proud member of RAD-AID International, an organization that is focused on improving access to radiology in developing countries and increasing radiology's contribution to global public health initiatives and patient care.
Recent Projects
- Abdominal radiologist David Rosman, MD helped build the first radiology residency in Rwanda. Using a seven- year grant, he continues to address infrastructure, equipment and operations challenges at health-professions schools and clinical training sites in Rwanda. Dr. Rosman was also key in arranging the first resident global health elective for Mass General radiology residents.
- Pediatric radiologist Sjirk Westra, MD taught at the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center in Moshi, Tanzania as part of the RSNA International Visiting Professor Program.
- Musculoskeletal radiologist Connie Chang, MD visited private and public hospitals in Kunming, Xishuanbanna and Meng Lian in China to build relationships and partner with radiologists with the ultimate goal of addressing appropriate usage of imaging modalities, radiation safety, quality assurance and research processes.
Resident and Fellow International Opportunities
We offer a four-week elective global radiology rotation for senior residents and fellows in Rwanda that provides trainees with experience practicing radiology in a resource-limited environment with a diverse array of patient pathology. Trainees will also give didactic lectures to Rwandan radiology residents and consultants and coordinate case conferences between Mass General and Rwandan radiologists.
We also offer individualized one-week experiences for radiology trainees to partner with Mass General radiologists engaged in global health outreach programs in South America, Asia and Africa.
Global Outreach for Radiation Protection Program
The Mass General Global Outreach for Radiation Protection Program promotes the safer use of ionizing radiation around the world within the broader context of medical applications.