Neuroscience Research

Mass General Neuroscience is a global leader in translational and basic research. From bench to bedside, we aim to revolutionize the treatment and prevention of brain disorders by bringing scientific and medical disciplines together.
Graphic of a brain showing networks of connected neurons.
Graphic of a brain showing networks of connected neurons.
Functional MRI and MEG whole-head connectivity, from Noam Peled, PhD and Steven Stufflebeam, PhD

Cross-Disciplinary Research

Uniquely placed at the center of Boston metro biotech clusters and academia, Mass General Neuroscience transforms patient care through translational and basic research. Below are just some the research programs that we have to offer.

Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging

We are devoted to the development and application of advanced biomedical imaging technologies.

Center for Genomic Medicine

We work to complete the genomic medicine cycle by assessing where genomic medicine will have the greatest impact on human health.

MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease (MIND)

We unite scientists and physician-scientists to translate laboratory findings into the clinic where they can reach patients.

Healey Center for ALS

We are on a quest to discover lifesaving therapies for those who are affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

Center for NeuroTechnology and Recovery Center

We design clinical neurotechnologies and performs high resolution neurophysiology research.

Brain Gate

We are focused on developing brain-computer interface technologies to restore function in those people with neurologic disease, injury, or limb loss.

Recent Advances

Read the latest research coming from our research programs and laboratories from Mass General Neuroscience.


NIH Neuroscience Funding at Mass General

Nearly one-third of Mass General's NIH funding goes towards neuroscience-based research.

#1 Research Hospital in America

Mass General is the #1 research hospital in America, with a large percentage of that dedicated to nervous system related disorders.

400+ Biotech Companies

Massachusetts Biotech Ecosystem

Worlds largest concentration of biotechnology and research centers.

Visit some of the other programs that Mass General Neuroscience has to offer:

Mass General Neuroscience has over 1,000 neuroscience faculty members from across all hospital departments at the hospital. Below are a few of our faculty members. You can also search for our faculty on Find a Researcher.

Mass General Neuroscience Intranet

Visit our intranet site, where you can find resources, grand round schedules, and up to date information on the neurosciences at Mass General (requires Peoplesoft login credentials).