Women's Sports Medicine Program
Education & Outreach

Education at the Women's Sports Medicine Program
ACL Prevention
Injuries to the ACL are one of the most common causes for season-ending surgery.
Women's Sports Medicine Summer Internship
Learn more about this month long internship open to medical and premedical students.
Exercise During Pregnancy
There continues to be growing knowledge about the safety of exercise during pregnancy.
Female Athlete Hip Injuries
The anatomy of the hip and pelvis varies considerably in females compared to males. Learn about how sex-specific differences in structure & function affect injury patterns.
Top 5 Myths Surrounding ACL Injuries in Female Athletes
Female athletes are 2-9 times more likely to sustain an ACL injury than male athletes. Fortunately, this number can be reduced by the implementation of ACL injury-preventative training programs.
5 Tips to Prevent Running Injuries
With warm weather on the horizon, it’s time to dust off your running shoes and hit the road. Our Sports Physical Therapists give you the top 5 tips to decrease your chance of a running injury.
Concussions in the Female Athlete
Concussions are a form of mild traumatic brain injury, and the rate of concussion reporting in female athletes is increasing.
Bone Health in Female Adaptive Sports Athletes
The potential benefits of participation in adaptive sports are profound and extend far beyond improved heart/cardiovascular health.
Publication Summaries
Investigation of Injury Rate of Female Fitness Competitors
Female fitness competitions are an emerging sport. This study is a starting point in understanding training patterns, diet and physique characteristic among this population of female athletes.
ACL Injury-Preventative Training Programs
Female athletes are 2-9 times more likely to sustain an ACL injury than male athletes. Fortunately, this number can be reduced by the implementation of ACL injury-preventative training programs.
Contact the Women's Sports Medicine Program.
We aim to lead the advancement of women’s sports and exercise medicine through multidisciplinary expert clinical care, research and education.