Appointments & Referrals in the Schizophrenia Program
Request an appointment or second opinion with the Schizophrenia Clinical & Research Program. Refer a patient, find a doctor or view test results with Massachusetts General Hospital’s secure online services.
New Patients
Contact the Schizophrenia Clinical & Research Program to learn about making an appointment with one of our clinicians.
Existing Patients - Patient Gateway
Request appointments and communicate with your care team via Patient Gateway. If you are an existing patient, you can also contact your provider's office to request an appointment.
Referring Providers
Refer a patient to an specialist in the Schizophrenia Clinical & Research Program at Mass General.
Remote Second Opinions
Get a second opinion from a Mass General schizophrenia specialist without the need to travel to Boston.
Resources for Patients & Families
The Department of Psychiatry provides resources for patients and families including educational programs and information about mental health issues.