CTS Research Labs

Our laboratories conduct critical research to increase the success rates of transplantation and meet the growing demand for organ and bone marrow transplantation.
    12 results
    • research lab

    Alessandrini Laboratory

    The Alessandrini Lab in the Center for Transplantation Sciences (CTS) at Massachusetts General Hospital studies regulatory T cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cells, and the roles they play in the induction of transplantation tolerance.

    • research lab

    Cellular and Molecular Immunology Laboratory

    The Cellular and Molecular Immunology Laboratory in the Center for Transplantation Sciences (CTS) at Massachusetts General Hospital studies the immune mechanisms underlying the allorecognition and alloresponse by T and B cells in transplant rejection and tolerance.

    • research lab

    Cardiothoracic Transplantation Laboratory

    The Cardiothoracic Transplantation Lab uses molecular and cellular techniques to study transplantation tolerance, acute/chronic rejection, innate immunity, xenotransplantation and whole organ bioengineering for heart/lung transplantation.

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    Cosimi/Kawai Laboratory

    The Cosimi/Kawai Laboratory focuses on allograft tolerance induction in nonhuman primates and humans, with the goal of developing safe and reliable tolerance-inducing regimens for clinical transplantation.

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    Immunopathology Research Laboratory

    The Immunopathology Research Laboratory in the Center for Transplantation Sciences (CTS) at Massachusetts General Hospital focuses on pathogenesis of rejection and tolerance of organ transplants.

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    Kidney Transplant Research Program

    The Kidney Transplant Research Program at Massachusetts General Hospital investigates unanswered clinical questions about kidney transplant rejection and recurrence of glomerular disease after transplant.

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    Molecular Biology Laboratory

    The Molecular Biology Laboratory in the Center for Transplantation Sciences (CTS) at Massachusetts General Hospital focuses on deciphering the role of major histocompatibility class II molecules in the modulation of T cell responses to self and foreign antigens.

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    Pierson Laboratory

    The Laboratory of Richard Pierson, MD, at Massachusetts General Hospital centers around understanding and preventing the mechanisms of rejected organs through two main research areas: immunomodulation and xenotransplantation.

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    Riella Laboratory

    The Riella Laboratory in the Center for Transplantation Sciences at Massachusetts General Hospital investigates the fundamental mechanisms that regulate the immune system, in order to better manage and treat transplantation patients.

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    Transplantation Biology Research Center (TBRC) Laboratories

    The Transplantation Biology Research Center (TBRC) Laboratories in the Center for Transplantation Sciences (CTS) at Massachusetts General Hospital comprises two laboratories investigating tolerance induction in transplantation.

    Showing 1 - 10 of 12 results