Your CD has been tested for functionality prior to mailing. If you're having a problem, you can try to:
- Remove the disk from CD drive and re-insert securely in the CD drive with the label facing up.
- Follow the instructions for your system on the mailer or read through the steps below.
- Occasionally dust will collect on CD surface causing viewing problems. Remove disk from CD drive and wash CD with warm water and mild liquid detergent. Dry thoroughly and re-insert into CD disk drive with label facing up.
If none of the above fixes the problem, please call 617-726-1798.
Image Service Center
Blake Sub-basement, Room 0029A
CD Instructions: How to Access Images and Reports on Your CD
Ezdicom CD Viewer
Ezdicom CD Viewer will present the study or list of studies in the left scrolling panel. Results and thumbnails will appear below each study. Select the series you want to view by clicking on the thumbnail and continue your selections. Click on the "?" in the upper right for viewer instructions.
PacsCube Viewer
Click on the "View Images" button, agree to the DatCard terms and conditions and click on "Display." Thumbnails will load (this may take a few minutes). Click on the thumbnail of the images you want to review. No results are available on the disc.
If your system is set up to autorun, it may autolaunch "EzDicomDashboard," DCS Start or ask to launch "EzDicomDashboard." If your system is not set up to autorun, go to "My Computer" to brose CD, double click on "EzDicom Dashboard.exe" and follow the instructions for EzDicom CD Viewer or PacsCube Viewer.
Download the software from the CD. Double click on the CD and then on the icon “OsiriX.” Double click on “OsiriX” or the “OsiriX” If prompted, you may download the full viewer or you can click “continue.” If prompted for plug-in updates or new version, click “cancel.” If prompted for Growl, click “continue.” If “OsiriX” does not open immediately, you will need to open it from your applications folder or the folder where it was installed. Double click on the studies you want to view.
To View Report
Double click on the CD, double click on the reports folder, double click on each folder and double click on report.htm.
Get Your Images
General Brigham Imaging provides images and reports of radiology exams to patients electronically.