Using a secure telemedicine platform, we are able to evaluate patients at selected hospitals with TeleNeurocritical Care services, organized through the Mass General TeleNeurology service.

How It Works

Peer-to-peer consultation can involve the medical record and imaging. Additional opportunities for review of the patient’s neurologic examination can utilize a mobile video cart that is taken to the bedside. We also provide programmatic and organizational support through the development of clinical guidelines to meet the needs of third-party certification programs.

Alternatives for hospitals without telemedicine services or patients and families in need include the Online Second Opinion process, through which a Neurocritical Care specialist can be requested for a second opinion at a hospital without a telemedicine relationship with our program.

Conditions We Treat

Patients with traumatic brain injury, acute stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, status epilepticus, Guillain-Barre, myasthenia gravis and other neuromuscular conditions, and infectious or inflammatory conditions are common cases for which we receive requests for consultations.