These Clinicopathological Conferences are published as the Case Records of the Mass General in The New England Journal of Medicine. Teaching exercises are based on actual cases, are read globally, and still influence medical education after nearly a century. Search for upcoming conferences and published cases.

Case Records of Massachusetts General Hospital
- Eric S. Rosenberg, M.D. - Editor
- David M. Dudzinski, M.D., Meridale V. Baggett, M.D., Dennis C. Sgroi, M.D. and Jo-Anne O. Shepard, M.D. - Associate Editors
- Emily K. McDonald and Tara Corpuz - Production Editors
How to Research Published MGH Cases
An advanced search of published Case Records can be conducted on the New England Journal of Medicine website by selecting “Clinical Cases” in the “Article Category” box. For more specific information about the Case Records archive, please email requests for information to Emily K. McDonald or Tara Corpuz.
General Information
Conferences are free, and most are open to the public. Because they are hosted by various services and departments within Mass General, many are also approved for Category 1 CME credit. To receive credit, it is necessary to go through the department hosting the conference you are attending.
Location and Time
The conference day, time, and location is not constant because these exercises are presented as part of other meetings and rounds at Mass General. See the Schedule of Presentations for a list of upcoming conferences. Owing to last-minute changes, we recommend you confirm with a CPC Production Editor, Emily K. McDonald or Tara Corpuz, particularly if you are from outside the Mass General Brigham community.
CPC Office, Pathology Service
55 Fruit Street, Edwards 109
Boston, MA 02114-2696
Fax: 617-249-1785