Browse Cancer Center Research Labs

Our commitment to eradicating cancer is fueled by scientific investigation as part of the largest hospital-based research program in the United States. Browse the Cancer Center's research labs below.
93 results
  • research lab

Bar-Peled Lab | Massachusetts General Hospital

Research in the Bar-Peled laboratory sits at the interface of cellular metabolism and signal transduction and focuses on understanding how cancer cells respond to altered metabolic states.

  • research lab

Biomarker Discovery Lab | Massachusetts General Hospital

The lab is designed to provide a collaborative resource that can provide expertise and services on tissue acquisition, preparation, specialized histological stains, and high-end digital microscopy quantitative analysis.

  • research lab

Biostatistics and Biomathematics

The Division of Biostatistics & Biomathematics supports research-oriented databases and data management needs for Radiation Oncology.


Cancer Outcomes Research and Education Program (CORE)

The Cancer Outcomes Research and Education Program (CORE) conducts innovative research and educational programs to improve the experience and outcomes of patients and caregivers across the continuum of cancer care.

Caregiving Research | Massachusetts General Hospital

The Caregiving Research Program seeks to address the emotional and physical toll of cancer caregiving by studying ways to support the family and friend caregivers of patients at Mass General Cancer Center.

  • research lab

Cellular & Molecular Radiation Oncology Laboratory

Working at the cellular and molecular levels, our studies cover a range of topics, including mechanisms of cell death, DNA damage induction and repair processes, bystander effects, and cancer genetics.

Showing 1 - 10 of 93 results