Pregnancy and Parenting
Coronavirus (COVID-19) During Pregnancy: FAQs for Pregnant Patients
Read the latest information and recommendations for pregnant women.
Pregnancy FAQ
Find answers to the most common questions we hear from our patients.
New Parent Support Groups
Join our free weekly groups for new parents to ask questions, share your experiences and get support.
Breastfeeding Resources
Support, education and resources for new mothers who choose to breastfeed.
Giving Birth at Mass General
New Family Guide (PDF)
Information about for new parents to help you care for yourself and your newborn.
Visitor Policy
We want your labor and delivery to be as safe as possible. Our visitor policy helps us meet all of your labor and delivery needs.
You and your baby will be in the same room during your recovery at Mass General. Learn about why mothers and newborns “room in” after delivery.
Guía para un embarazo saludable (PDF)
Este paquete contiene información que le será muy útil en este momento de las etapas iniciales de su embarazo.
الدليل الصحي للحمل - العربية) (PDF)
الكتيب يحتوي على معلومات مفيدة للمراحل الاولى من الحمل
Pregnancy Resources
Zika Virus Information
Learn about the risks associated with the Zika virus for pregnant women.
Nutrition in Pregnancy: The Basics
Read a guide to some of the basic questions you may find yourself asking about nutrition in pregnancy.
Bleeding in Early Pregnancy
Bleeding is common during the first three months (12 weeks) of pregnancy and may or may not be a sign of a problem.
Minor Discomforts During Pregnancy & Their Remedies
Find tips to relieve some of the minor discomforts you may experience during your pregnancy including cramping, backaches, cold and flu symptoms, swollen feet and pressure under the rib cage.
Pain Management During Labor
Every patient’s labor is different, and you decide how to manage your pain. Learn your options, including an epidural, non-medical options, inhaled pain medication (nitrous oxide), and intravenous (IV) pain medications.
March of Dimes
Information from the March of Dimes for those thinking about getting pregnant, being pregnant and beyond.
Prenatal Diagnosis Information
Prenatal Screening Tests
Find information about prenatal screening tests we offer during pregnancy.
Chromosomal Disorders and Testing
Learn about birth defects caused by chromosomal disorders and tests offered by the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology used to identify them.
Genetic Syndromes and Testing
Learn about birth defects caused by genetic syndromes and tests offered by the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology used to identify them.
Structural Defects and Testing
Learn about birth defects caused by structural defects and tests offered by the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology used to identify them.
Support for Our Patients
At the Mass General OB/GYN Department, each patient is an important member of her own care team. To support you, we offer education resources such as childbirth classes, pregnancy-related information and access to women's health resources.